Meet Grace, everybody's friend

2:02 PM

I've been seeing the phrases, "God is good" and "God is real" on my Facebook timeline lately. During those times, I knew He was sending a message to me. I've been asking Him about these "signs" until yesterday; I received an email stating that some of my articles has been accepted and published on I was ecstatic when I read the email and couldn't believe that I have received such a good news. I've always wanted my articles to be published in some websites for quite sometime now. He answered my prayer in an unexpected way and timing. 

The revelation came to me quickly, "He grants our heart's desires and make all our plans succeed, even though we are not deserving for the prize. We just need to fully trust Him for He is never in a hurry, but He is always on time." We should be thankful for all of our undeserved grace. However, I sometimes ask myself if we are thanking Him enough. Are we acknowledging Him with all our hearts? (My hands are shaking while typing this article. Thank You because I know You are blessing me).  

Remember that He is generous. We can request anything to Him as long as we are obeying Him and being patient and faithful. Let's utilize our talents to glorify Him, I know that He will be pleased and proud. Thanking Him once is not enough for all the great blessings that He has bestow for us. We should thank Him by offering our hearts and soul every single day.

Some people (including myself) only remember Him when something "unexpected" has happened. We normally disregard Him when things are going well for us. That breaks His heart, nevertheless, He will never get weary of loving and blessing us with undeserved grace. Everybody wants to be loved yet some can't fully love our Creator. Expressing love for Him should not be a mere, "I love you, Lord." Loving Him is surrendering to His will.

The same day, a friend posted on his Facebook status that he thinks he's experiencing depression. I messaged him without a single thought. I told him, "Satan is distracting/discouraging you because you're being faithful and growing spiritually with God. Don't let him win!" He appreciated my advice and I felt blessed.   

Again, revelations came to me:
1. "Best fights are the ones we avoid." - Mr. Han (The Karate Kid 2010)
Battling with Satan is exhausting. The more we get closer to God, the more Satan will try to discourage us. Be strong and stand firm.
2.."Being still and doing nothing are two very different things." - Mr. Han (The Karate Kid 2010)
Be patient and trust Him. Allow yourself to meditate in His words to discover His plans for you. Do it step by step, one at a time.
3. "Nobody's perfect but being a blessing is a blessing."
No matter how sinful we are, He will still use us to bless someone. 

To wrap it up:
I encourage you to thank Him for all the blessings that you received. Start with the simplest things, count your blessings and share it. Delight, meditate, day and night.
"But her delight is in the Law of the Lord, and in His Law she meditates day and night." Psalm 1:2

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